OneLove JamFest Donates $16,500 to Clearwater Jazz Holiday Outreach Program

Landon loved music across diverse genres and this love came through in his amazing ability to play guitar.  From rock, blues, reggae, bluegrass, soul and more, Landon studied it all. This is why one of of the mission’s of the Landon Korabek OneLove JamFest is to support music education in our community.  New this year, we partnered with Clearwater Jazz Holiday music outreach program. They provide a variety music programs in our community at no cost. On Tuesday, June 19, we were thrilled to present our donation of $16,500 to Clearwater Jazz Holiday @clearwaterjazz .  In memory of Landon, we are making a difference by getting music to kids. Thanks to everyone that helped support OneLove JamFest. Click here to learn more about Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s education programs.

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Susan Korabek