OneLove JamFest Presents $17,556 Check to Clearwater Jazz Foundation

OneLove JamFest was thrilled to present Clearwater Jazz Holiday Foundation a check for $17,556 in memory of Landon Korabek. The foundation provides education and community outreach through various programs aimed at young people with varying ecomomic backgrounds. Landon loved all types of music and this love came through in his amazing ability to play guitar. This is why one of the mission’s of Landon Korabek OneLove JamFest is to support music education in our community. We are making a difference by getting music to kids. Thanks to everyone that helped support the 2019 Landon Korabek OneLove JamFest. To learn more about Clearwater Jazz Holiday’s education programs go to #onelovejamfest

Check Presentation CJH 6-18-19 1.jpg
Susan Korabek