2023 Landon Korabek OneLove JamFest raises $38,482

Landon Korabek OneLove JamFest is very excited to announce that we raised $38,482 at this year’s event on May 6. In 11 years, we have raised over $325,000!  Our OneLove Hearts are beaming with gratitude to everyone that came out to support our cause especially as this is the final JamFest. Proceeds will be awarded to NOPE of Pinellas, Narcotics Overdose Prevention & Education  and   Clearwater Jazz Education Outreach - both non-profit organizations. Thank you to all the business donors and sponsors. Thanks again to everyone that participated in the event including the volunteers. Thanks to the bands, Hit Me Up, The Horny Toads, Shenanigans and Clearwater Jazz Young Lions. Thank you to the Thirsty Marlin for hosting. Special thanks to the hard working committee that plans this wonderful event: Kendra, Karen, Lori, Lis, Tanya, Brenda, Stef and Michelle. We are blessed to be part of a wonderful community both local and afar and OneLove JamFest is very grateful. Landon, we will never forget you and you’ve given us the strength to make a difference. OneLove.

Susan Korabek